Good Guys With Guns: Defensive Gun Uses Soar in Chicago

Don’t look now, but Chicago is looking like it might be the defensive gun use DGU capital of the US. There have been at least forty-six Chicagoans who have used a gun since January 2021 to protect themselves. To put that number in perspective, HeyJackass pegs the number of officer-involved shootings as 30 in the … Read more

MURDER CITY USA: Chicago Once Again Scores Most Homicides of Any City in America… More Than Most States!

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot might not have shouted “We’re Number One!” while pumping her fist as the clock struck midnight last night. However under her leadership, the Windy City easily clinched the top spot for most homicides of any American city. In fact, it wasn’t even close. Hey Jackass had the tentative numbers this morning: … Read more

JUNETEENTH/FATHER’S DAY WEEKEND IN CHICAGO: 8 Murdered, 49 Wounded in America’s Largest Open-Air Range [VIDEO]

This weekend marked both the new federal holiday of Juneteenth as well as Father’s Day. Chicago gang bangers showed their usual reverence for life and the wellbeing of their fellow man by murdering nine and maiming 49 additional souls. That includes a couple who was attacked on camera as they returned from a Puerto Rican … Read more

Three Murders in Rockford? Chicago Appreciates the Distraction: 11 Dead, 20 Wounded on Christmas Weekend

While the nation reacted with shock to a triple homicide in Rockford, Illinois, the Windy City kept up its grim march to 800 homicides in 2020. Not to be outdone by an amateur killing three and wounding three more, Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s criminal element (and one card-carrying good guy) racked up 11 dead and 20 … Read more

Chicago’s Weekend Shootings Are the New Normal

Among items not widely reported in the mainstream media we have Chicago’s regular weekly (largely criminal) weekend shooting report. The final tally for this past weekend according to the Sun-Times: Ten people were killed and 45 more, including two Chicago police officers and a 15-year-old boy, were wounded in shootings across Chicago over the weekend. … Read more

It Wasn’t a Happy Father’s Day in Chicago: 111 Shot, 14 Killed

“Defund the police” has been one of the Left’s rallying cries of late. More and more, cops have embraced the “stay fetal” method of law enforcement. America needs to look no further than Chicago to see what less effective and less aggressive policing looks like in practice. Over the Father’s Day weekend, Chicago’s gang members … Read more

Without Community Support, Chicago Police Solving Just 6% of Murders

The Chicago Police have a lot of good men and women serving their community. Unfortunately, where the community does not work with the police, bad guys can get away with a whole lot of violent crime up to and including murder. The mainstream media has not reported it, but the Chicago PD has cleared just 6% of … Read more