Gear Review: Taking the Hi-Lux Optics TD-3C for a Spin

There’s no denying that the optics market has been flooded with products from manufacturers new and old. While competition breeds success (and a market that’s great for consumers), it also means some products are going to struggle against established brands. This can even be true for the descendant of a famous brand such as Leatherwood/Hi-Lux, which got … Read more

Ruger Mark IV 22/45 Tactical – Review

Ruger has long since established itself as the market leader in .22 LR chambered plinkers. The venerable 10/22, the Single Six and the Mark series have been flying off the shelves for decades. Today, I’m looking at one of the most modern iterations, the Ruger Mark IV 22/45 Tactical. First Look This isn’t my first … Read more