Van Sant: ‘Common Use’ Isn’t Defined by the Number of Banned Guns or Magazines Owned, but How Often They’re Used in Self-Defense

Since the Supreme Court upended the standard for determining the constitutionality of gun laws in 2022, defining common use has become hugely important, particularly in cases involving so-called hardware bans, such as prohibitions on AR-15 style rifles and HCMs. Those who oppose such bans argue that common ownership equals common use. Supporters argue that the right measure … Read more

Chicago Sun-Times Sounds the Alarm on the Disturbing Availability and Easy Access to Standard Capacity Magazines

Not long ago, the big guns and high-capacity magazines [Melissa] Lulik and her friends use at ranges and in competitions weren’t so common among civilians. Now, you can easily buy them online or in stores. You don’t need a license or a background check to buy one. Extended-capacity magazines — which hold 10 or more … Read more

Amazon and Their Seattle Employees Got Behind Gun Control, Defunding Police…Now They’re Abandoning Their Offices

By Larry Keane Seattle is the home of Amazon’s corporate headquarters, employing more than 80,000 people. It’s also one of the nation’s epicenters of crime, rioting, and looting that erupted in 2020 which remains concerns today. The online sales behemoth that embraces gun control and defunding police is now witnessing the effects of those policies. Amazon … Read more

Common Use: Academic Survey Shows Over 30% Of Gun Owners Have Owned AR Style Rifles

  Wake Forest sociology professor David Yamane is an active analyst of America’s gun culture and runs the Gun Curious blog. He also teaches a course in the sociology of guns. In his latest Light Over Heat video, Dr. Yamane calls attention to a survey done last year by Georgetown Professor William English. From the … Read more

Washington State’s ‘High-Capacity’ Magazine Ban Could Cost You $5,000

The Neighbor online is reporting on Washington State’s push, for the fourth straight year, to ban the sale, manufacture or possession of magazines with more than 10 rounds in Washington state. Sponsored by Washington Sen. Marko Liias, D-Lynnwood,Senate Bill 5078 builds on efforts in the state legislature to slap stricter limits on ammunition sales. Gun control advocates say … Read more

Appellate Court Upholds Deerfield, Illinois Gun Ban…For Now

Five years after Illinois approved legislation limiting the home rule powers of local governments to ban scary-looking long guns, the Village of Deerfield enacted just such a gun ban. Using rather dubious arguments for the need for such a ban, they did so not by creating a new law, but by amending an existing ordinance … Read more

3 Things for Gun Owners to Do During a COVID19 Quarantine

It’s only been a few days, but are you already starting to climb the walls from being in such close proximity to family members? Are video games not your thing? Looking for something productive to do during your coronavirus quarantine? Here are three dandy gun-related ideas to keep you busy (and sane). 1) Clean and … Read more

WA Attorney General Blames Future Mass Shootings on GOP Legislators After Mag Cap Bills are Defeated

By the Associated Press Bills that would have limited how many rounds can be stored in gun magazines and what guns can be sold did not pass in Olympia. KING-TV reports neither bill was approved before Wednesday’s 5 p.m. deadline. Lawmakers knew earlier this month the proposed ban on firearms defined as assault weapons did … Read more