JAMA on ‘Large Capacity’ Magazines: Diagnosis or Symptom?

By Robert B. Young, MD The December 18, 2020 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association included a Quick Uptake news article, “Large-Capacity Magaine Bans Linked With Fewer Mass Shootings, Deaths” (first online December 18). It references a study in the American Journal of Public Health by Louis Klarevas, Andrew Conner and, one of our … Read more

California Undercover Agents Staking Out Nevada Gun Shows

Undercover California law enforcement agents are prowling gun shows in Nevada, watching for attendees with California license plates on their cars. This article from the LA Times emphasizes that they’re looking for buyers bringing “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines back home. However, now that ammunition is subject to a background check in the Golden … Read more

The Mighty Yeet Cannon…Yes or No?

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  There’s one thing that happened this week that isn’t really legally related, but I just can’t resist writing about: the YEET   CANNON. Hi-Point vs The Entire Internet Hi-Point unveiled their new pistol at the SHOT Show. … Read more

Fake Gun News Is Still Fake News Four Years Later

Donald Trump has made the expression “fake news” a household term. Of course, the mainstream media helps him at every turn, providing endless examples for the American people to see, ridicule and share on social media. Much fake news these days has to do with things like the Russia investigation and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. At the … Read more

Dick’s, Field & Stream Store Traffic Slumps

Dick’s Sporting Goods and their subsidiary Field & Stream stores look like ghost towns these days in America’s heartland. After reading stories about gun companies ending sales to Dick’s, and the company’s hiring of gun control lobbyists in Washington, I decided to visit the Champaign, Illinois Dick’s and Field & Stream locations. Yes, it’s anecdotal, … Read more

U.S. Representative Ted Deutch: Why The Feds Should Ban ‘High Capacity’ Magazines

“Combined with bump fire stocks, high-capacity magazines allowed the Las Vegas shooter to kill 58 concertgoers in a matter of minutes,” Democratic Florida Congressional Representative Ted Deutch writes at miamiherald.com. “But the massive scale of violence extends so much further. High-capacity magazines make killers capable of firing dozens of bullets before reloading. In the recordings captured … Read more

We ♥ Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter ♥ Guns!

The beauteous Ann Coulter. Legal eagle. Commentator. Stye in the eye of Liberals and Progressives everywhere. The woman voted Most Likely to Tick off a Democrat. What’s not to love? Coulter calls ’em like she sees them, and she does it with a sharp wit and a sharper tongue. Her books are instant best sellers. And she’s an articulate, feisty debater for common sense and right. And did I mention, she’s hot? In short, when Annie’s around, Liberal sacred cows are in season. In more ways that one, actually. Coulter pens a weekly syndicated column available online at HumanEvents.com. This week’s missive: Annie Gets Her Guns and turns her ire on the insanity of gun “control” . . .

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