Okay, so we’ve established that, contrary to what the ATF, the Mexican and American governments and the mainstream media would have us believe, there is no “River of Guns” flowing from gun shows and legit gun dealers in the U.S. to Mexico. Furthermore, we’ve noted that most of the weapons the cartels do have came from “official” sources, such as government agencies, corrupt law enforcement officials and the like. This was confirmed, in a weird way, by the head of the Los Zetas drug cartel, who insists that he bought his weapons legally, in the United States . . .
Hillary Clinton: Republicans Are Shameless Gun Worshipers
You know, democracy is the balancing of interests and rights, and unfortunately at this time, the gun worshipers have a huge advantage because of the filibuster and because of their shameless exploitation of people’s unwarranted fears. — Hillary Clinton We talk so much about the right to bear arms in America. @HillaryClinton wants to change … Read more