Hillary Clinton: Republicans Are Shameless Gun Worshipers

You know, democracy is the balancing of interests and rights, and unfortunately at this time, the gun worshipers have a huge advantage because of the filibuster and because of their shameless exploitation of people’s unwarranted fears. — Hillary Clinton We talk so much about the right to bear arms in America. @HillaryClinton wants to change … Read more

Dr. Joseph Sakran’s ‘Death Threat’ Fails Scrutiny, More Disturbing Ties Uncovered

Dr. Joseph Sakran made the mistake of tweeting what many believe to be another fake hate crime. He claims someone put a piece of paper with an implied death threat on his windshield over his gun control advocacy.  Now that the spectrum kids over at 4chan have done some data mining on him, all manner … Read more

Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Hillary With AR-15 Photo and ‘Lock Her Up’ Magazine on Instagram

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but Donald Trump Jr. was busy trolling Hillary Clinton. In the process, he triggered plenty of gun haters. He posted a photo on Instagram of himself holding one of America’s favorite rifles, the much-hated AR-15. However, it was the magazine in the rifle that no doubt … Read more

Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Disarming the Vets, Flipping Off the Mullahs, and Packing at the Polls

Your government at work: VA Actively Depriving Veterans of Second Amendment Rights – “Although I’ve vociferously spoken out against the VA being able to strip individuals’ Second Amendment rights, in all honesty, until today, I had not seen a case where a veteran had actually been denied in the absence of an actual involuntary mental health … Read more

The Pre-Hillary Gun Sales Surge for Dummies

Three variables greatly influence American gun sales: elections, legislation, and mass shootings. The last factor is obvious enough; people don’t want to get shot by a sociopath. The first and second are confusing to those on the left. They really don’t understand why people arm up when an anti-gun politician has a chance of being elected, or gun control legislation … Read more

Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Original Meaning, A Temporary Ban, and the Agony of Regret

Clinton’s Missed Opportunity on Guns – “Compared with the rest of the third presidential debate Wednesday night, the opening conversation about the Constitution was practically Lincoln-Douglas-like as the candidates answered questions and didn’t interrupt each other. But the discussion of the seminal gun control case D.C. v. Heller was borderline incomprehensible unless you’ve recently taken constitutional law. And in … Read more

ATF Death Watch 42: Where Did They Get Those Wonderful Toys?

Okay, so we’ve established that, contrary to what the ATF, the Mexican and American governments and the mainstream media would have us believe, there is no “River of Guns” flowing from gun shows and legit gun dealers in the U.S. to Mexico. Furthermore, we’ve noted that most of the weapons the cartels do have came from “official” sources, such as government agencies, corrupt law enforcement officials and the like. This was confirmed, in a weird way, by the head of the Los Zetas drug cartel, who insists that he bought his weapons legally, in the United States . . .

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ATF Death Watch 41: A Rolling Stone(wall) Gathers No Melson.

Those that do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
                                                – George Santayana (1863–1952)

We can learn a lot from history. If only we pay attention, that is. But the Obama Administration seems Hell-bent for leather to ignore all the lessons they coulda/shoulda/woulda learned, had they just been paying attention to the end of the Nixon Administration. Case in point, you can’t expect to hang someone out to dry without them turning stool-pigeon and singing for the grand inquisitors. Word is now trickling out about the testimony of ATF’s Acting Director, Kenneth Melson. Testimony that would indicate that AG Eric Holder has, in the words of Ricky Ricardo, got some ‘splainin’ to do…

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