3-Time Loser? Hillary Supporters Plugging Their Candidate

With President Joe Biden bowing out of the presidential race on Sunday and throwing his support behind Vice President Kamala Harris, it’s anybody’s bet who will be on the Democratic ticket when voting day rolls around. One name that keeps coming up, unfortunately, is Hillary Clinton, who has run for president twice and failed in … Read more

Pelosi’s Contempt for Guns and Everyday Americans on Full Display in Recent Debate

It has become a tradition in recent elections for anti-gun Democrats to condescendingly refer to opposition voters as too stupid and bigoted to act in their own best interests. The latest example of this came from none other than former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), whose Bay Area district covers arguably the most … Read more

Gun Control Politicians Don’t Just Hate Guns, They Hate You

Today’s gun control politicians are making it clear. It’s not just guns they despise. There are two other primary obstacles to civil disarmament that they loathe. One is the Second Amendment itself. The other, well, it’s you – the gun owner. It wasn’t that long ago when President Barack Obama lambasted gun owners who refused … Read more

Hillary Clinton Reveals Her Scorn For Average Americans Again…Still

By Larry Keane Hillary Clinton just can’t help herself. Never mind that her tone-deaf demand for gun control caused gun owners to come out in record numbers to deny her an all-but-assured White House victory in 2016. Now she’s doubling down. Five years on, she’s still spitting vitriol at Americans. She still wants to punish … Read more

Hillary Clinton: Republicans Are Shameless Gun Worshipers

You know, democracy is the balancing of interests and rights, and unfortunately at this time, the gun worshipers have a huge advantage because of the filibuster and because of their shameless exploitation of people’s unwarranted fears. — Hillary Clinton We talk so much about the right to bear arms in America. @HillaryClinton wants to change … Read more

Democratic Party’s ‘Defeat Disinfo’ Trolls Coming to TTAG?

The left in America has a problem. The mainstream media (MSM) has lost its monopoly on news and information for the American people. And now, firms are “hiring small armies of social-media mercenaries to do battle for Democrats.” Does this mean more paid gun rights foes and self-defense hating trolls commenting at TTAG as we … Read more

New York State Files Charges Against NRA for Selling Insurance Without a License

New York State’s Department of Financial Services has filed civil charges against the National Rifle Association over some of the Carry Guard insurance products sold in the state. Translation, the Empire State’s ultra-partisan, hoplophobic government officials want the NRA to fork over millions of dollars to the state in “civil” fines to make this “complaint” … Read more

Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Hillary With AR-15 Photo and ‘Lock Her Up’ Magazine on Instagram

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but Donald Trump Jr. was busy trolling Hillary Clinton. In the process, he triggered plenty of gun haters. He posted a photo on Instagram of himself holding one of America’s favorite rifles, the much-hated AR-15. However, it was the magazine in the rifle that no doubt … Read more

Florida Dem Quits Campaign After ‘I Personally Removed 77 Bullets From 32 People’ Claim

Elizabeth McCarthy (above, left) sought the Democrat nomination for Florida’s 28th House District on a campaign of gun control. In fact, she claimed she had personally removed 77 bullets from 32 people following the Pulse Nightclub attack in Orlando. But a little checking into her background raised…questions. And just like so many other stolen valor … Read more