I’m a sucker for mindless action films. You put enough bullets and bombs into a ninety-minute spectacle and I’m more than happy to waste my time watching the fireballs. I won’t rake the director over the coals for a few plot holes or some stale characters as long as they substitute ass kicking and violence to spackle that in. The Tournament is one of those films that sits right on the edge, then tips gently into the positive zone. If you’re on the hunt for deep characterization, meaningful dialog, and a deeper understanding of the human condition – keep hunting. If you’re in the mood for people getting kicked in the face, rockets flying around screen and people blindly emptying magazine after magazine, well then, come on in.
HK Announces New MP5 .22LR Pistol and Rifle Models
From HK . . . Heckler & Koch is pleased to announce the launch of the coolest rimfires on the market, full stop. HK has partnered with Umarex of Germany to bring you the only HK-authorized rimfire versions of the legendary MP5. What could be cooler than two new MP5 .22 LRs in pistol and … Read more