Some Chick on Twitter: Poor People Are Too Uneducated to Own Guns

When David Hogg took to Twitter on November 28, 2018 and stated “congress ought to create a federal tax on gun sales to fund gun violence research” fellow Parkland student and gun rights supporter Kyle Kashuv had an immediate answer. Kashuv tweeted back “David, please realize that this penalizes people from low income areas that … Read more

Hogg is Back: A Round with 30 Magazines is a Deadly Instrument

Not sure if Hogg mispoke or they wrote it down wrong. Either way…I laughed. A round with 30 magazines is a deadly instrument. … We need to address the gun show loophole. Young people can change the world as long as they believe in themselves and never give up. I hope to be working with … Read more

Hogg is Back, Uber Driver Suspended, and Nike’s Unsurprising Move – TTAG Daily Digest

This Group Teaches Kids to Love Guns and U.S. Taxpayers Foot the Bill Interesting methodology… The NRA and CMP are, in some sense, two sides of the same coin. One is hyper-political, the other shuns anything with a whiff of lobbying. One is funded entirely by corporate and civilian gifts, the other largely by government … Read more

The NRA Has Some Fun With David Hogg’s Useful Idiots at Saturday’s NRA HQ Protest

Pity poor David Hogg. He held a rally Saturday at the NRA world headquarters near Fairfax, Virginia. While (someone’s) money can pay to organize rallies against gun rights and provide armed security, money doesn’t buy intelligent demonstrators. While the event played out, the National Rifle Association didn’t miss the chance to ridicule Hogg and his … Read more

Following the Sock Puppets, Fleeing From the Wolves and Facing Father Pfleger – TTAG Daily Digest

Even if you like guns, Utah Gun Exchange’s tactics against March for Our Lives is a poor strategy Quick, someone call the waaaambulance . . . As my colleague Taylor Anderson reported this week, the Utah Gun Exchange has taken to following the survivors of the Parkland, Fla., shooting around the country in their armored … Read more

Unintended Consequences: David Hogg’s Publix Super Market ‘Die In’ Backfires

Actions have consequences, some of them unintended. The uber-left’s favorite little gun control activist, David Hogg, learned this the hard way Friday. Drunk with perceived power and possibly experiencing withdrawal after his camera time dipped in the last few weeks, Camera Hogg’s latest plan was to extort a million dollars from the Florida-based grocery chain … Read more