VIDEO John Lott Rips Hollywood’s Bigoted Bias Against Gun Owners

In Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky wrote that ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.  Well, John Lott of the Crime Prevention Resource Center follows Alinsky’s rule in a great video titled Hollywood’s Bias Against Guns. In five minutes, he rips Hollywood’s hypocrisy when it comes firearms in America. And he delivers his ridicule with great … Read more

Terminator: Dark Fate – More Recycled Garbage or a Victim of Misogyny? You Decide

Hollywood has seemed incapable of much originality for, well, a decade or two now. The latest example: they’re going back for one more dip into the Terminator franchise trough with the sixth (?) installment of the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic due for release in November. But red flags are already waving prominently ahead of the Terminator … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Maryland Murderer Caught, #RejectTheNRA and a Very Happy Gun Owner

Nabbed in Newark . . . Police: Suspect in 6 shootings in Maryland, Delaware, caught A suspect in shootings in Maryland and Delaware on Wednesday that left three people dead and three others injured was caught in Delaware after a manhunt, authorities said. Radee Labeeb Prince, 37, is accused of killing three people and wounding … Read more

Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Hollywood Gun Hate, Spreading the Infection, and Marketing Genius

Oh look…another Hollywood mogul who doesn’t like guns: ‘How to Get Away with Murder’ Producer Launches Campaign to Defeat NRA – “How to Get Away with Murder executive producer Bill D’Elia just launched Make US Safer, a campaign designed to defeat the NRA by raising money for Congressional candidates who support more restrictions on the Second Amendment. D’Elia … Read more

Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Shannon Resurfaces, The Dilemma of ‘Stun Guns’, and Efficacy of Restraining Orders

In a previous post, RF was doing the Where’s Waldo thing for Shannon Watts. Here she is, getting a big wet kiss from Fortune: The Mom Who Started a Gun Control Movement With a Facebook Page – “In its four years, the group—which Watts says is is not anti-gun, but pro-gun control—has ballooned to ‘an army’ of moms … Read more

Question Of The Day: Why Can’t Movie People Do Guns?

Image courtesty Hong Kong Movie Database

‘Cold Steel’ is a movie set on a Pacific island in WWII, where Hong Kong action star Guo Minxiang plays a Japanese sniper with a torn shirt and…an American M1941 Johnson Rifle? And a variable-power riflescope that wouldn’t be invented for another twenty-five years? Really, now: Arisakas may not get much love among American shooters but they’re actually excellent rifles, and just about any period rifle would be a superior sniper weapon to the recoiling-barrel M1941 Johnson and its delicate magazine. Why does Hollywood (or in this case, Hong Kong action cinema) get guns so wrong most of the time? . . .

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Hollywood Holkum: The Action Show Shootout

I love action shows. I’m a sucker for anything with guns, bravado, and a bit of ironic reparté. One of my favorite shows of the past couple of seasons has been Human Target. Starring Marine Vet Mark Valley, Chi McBride, and Jackie Earle Haley, it’s the story of a reformed hit man (Valley), an ex-cop (McBride) and a black ops guy (Haley) and their adventures as they try to right wrongs, give help to the helpless, hope to the hopeless, and feet to the defeated. It’s an entertaining show, well written, and fairly exciting, with enough explosions, gunplay and action to befit your average action/adventure feature film. That’s the good news. The bad news? Hollywood’s got it in for guns, at the same time that they’re milking the gunluv for all it’s worth. Sound schizo? You bet.

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Out of the Closet: Hollywood ❤s Guns. Sort of.

Once I became a gun owner and received the training I needed to carry and use it responsibly, mine eyes were opened to the bi-polar attitude Hollywood has regarding guns. Perfectly willing to exploit guns in movies and on TV for ratings, most of Hollyweird has this love-hate thang goin’, where they despise and deplore guns in real life. Apparently, in their book the only good gun is a blank gun.

But something interesting’s happening lately. A growing number of celebs are beginning to find their voices, speaking out as Conservatives, and…wait for it…pro-gun advocates. I thought it might be interesting to scour the web for lists of current denizens of MovieTown and see which ones are willing to be identified as gun-friendly. (Note: Charlton Heston would be at the head of the list, but we’re talking here only about the living.) Here’s a partial list . . .

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Heroes of the Hollywood West: Walter Brennan

Full disclosure: I do a pretty good Walter Brennan impression. I liked ol’ Walter from his days on The Real McCoys (whu…whu…whu…whur’s lil’ Luke, ye knotheads?) to the Guns of Will Sonnet (No brag . . . jes fact). But Walter Brennan was more than just some old guy character actor with a distinctive voice. Nope. He was a war hero. Guess which war?

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