Gun Control Horror: Defense Distributed’s New ‘Zero Percenter’ is a Finger in the Eye of the ATF’s ‘Ghost Gun’ Rule

  The Biden administration recently proposed new regulations defining exactly what constitutes a firearm and which specific parts are required to have ATF-issued serial numbers for tracking. If enacted, Federal Firearms licensing and serial numbers will be required on many gun components that heretofore could be bought and sold without regulation. Wilson’s new software, which … Read more

Federal Ban Bill Would Take Home Gun Manufacturing Back To The Stone Age

Back in May, one of the Senate’s most dedicated anti-gun members, Connecticut’s Richard Blumenthal introduced S.3743, the Untraceable Firearms Act of 2020. The target, of course, is those scary objects of gun-grabbers nightmares…ghost guns. Blumenthal’s bill would, among other things, ban the possession of programmable manufacturing devices like CNC mills and 3D additive printers…unless you’re … Read more