Pervert Popped Crawling Into Girl’s Bedroom Window in Chicago

What happens when a pervert tries to crawl through the bedroom window of a young woman in a Chicago neighborhood to do Lord knows what? Well, if mom’s got a gun and the knowledge, skills and proper attitude to use it to defend her daughter, Mr. Pervert won’t see any happy endings. Just such a … Read more

LESSONS LEARNED: A Tale of Two Home Invasions

At a recent Guns Save Life meeting, a retired Illinois State Trooper talked about a couple of home invasion cases with very different outcomes. He shared publicly-available information, offering important lessons gun owners can take from the facts of the cases. First, he talked about a shots-fired home invasion in the town of Streator on … Read more

Should We Be Concerned When Journalists Call Armed Invaders “Unwanted House Visitors”?

The sheer volume of words published on the Internet makes it possible to discount the importance of a few. However, as the PC Police love to remind everyone, word choice is important – especially when it comes to which names you call people. Take home invaders, for example. Acceptable names to call home invaders include: … Read more