Gun Trafficking Uncovered In Connection With Wrong-House Home Invasion

Beware of who you allow in your home and what they might see. That is just one lesson learned as one Pennsylvania family’s need to declutter led to tragedy for another.  Kelvin Roberts and Charles Fulforth were arrested and charged this past December with murder, burglary, and related offenses in connection with a wrong-house home … Read more

Still Baffling: AR-15 Provides Homeowners with Unfair Advantage Over Intruders?

Sometimes in researchinig stories to share with TTAG’s audience you come across an old one that still makes you shake your head. Sometimes you come across an old one that makes you shake your head so much you just have to share it. After all these years, what this grandfather says, in spite of his … Read more

85-Year-Old Woman Prevails in a Deadly Idaho Home Invasion

In the quiet early hours of March 13, 2024, in Bingham County, Idaho, an 85-year-old woman, Christine Jenneiahn, turned a terrifying home invasion into a remarkable story of courage, self-defense and survival. The Bingham County Prosecutor, Ryan W. Jolley, released a comprehensive review of the incident that has since captivated the local community and beyond. … Read more

Texas Homeowner Goes WWE on Armed Burglar, Kills Him with Defensive Choke Hold

A rifle-toting burglar stormed a Midland, Texas, home over the weekend in an effort to rob its occupants, but discovered too late it was going to take more than the sight of a firearm to scare the homeowner into giving over the goods. Police responded to a call for a “disturbance with weapons,” but by … Read more

Like Good Neighbors, Armed Citizens Are There: Michigan Home Invasion Stopped By a Pair of Armed Neighbors

Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts claims that defensive gun uses don’t happen.  They’re just an urban myth.  A fantasy perpetrated by crazed gun nuts. Then again, “gaslighting” is the 2022 word of the year. Bright and early last Friday morning, two separate neighbors with concealed carry guns in Michigan, seeing a “disturbance” turn into a … Read more

Police Impersonators: Home Invader Shoots His Partner, Then Is Shot Dead By Homeowner

Bad guys sometimes act like police to gain a momentary advantage against their potential victims. Harris County, Texas Sheriff Ed Gonzalez let members of the community know about a pair of pretend cops who met a most satisfactory ending after forcing entry on a home in Katy, Texas west of Houston. The intruders, dressed in … Read more

Armed Texas Mom Warned Home Intruder to Back Off…He Didn’t Listen

In Texas, it’s a pretty safe bet that a higher percentage of potential crime victims own a gun. Or ten. The heavily tattooed Carlos Garcia, aged 36, learned that the hard way police say. They found him about a hundred yards from a house where he had tried force his way into a bedroom occupied … Read more

Las Vegas Home Intruder Threatens to ‘Kill You All’; You Know What Happens Next

Cops say a lunatic broke into a west Las Vegas home after shouting, “Let me in! I will kill you all!” at 5:30 in the morning last weekend. Unfortunately for David Valle, 28, the homeowner was also a gun owner. And when Mr. Valle tried to force his way in through a bedroom door where … Read more

Fetid Cesspool: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Injured in Violent San Francisco Home Invasion

Thanks to wokeness on steroids, San Francisco has become a crime-infested hellhole where literally no one is truly safe. Not even in the home of the sitting Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Earlier today, Speaker Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, suffered injuries when one or more intruders beat him mercilessly in his own home. … Read more