The ‘Ghost Guns’ That Time Forgot

Reader James Kaleda writes . . . Gun rights deniers are increasingly up in arms about 3-D printing and the making of “ghost guns.” Many states, such as New York and New Jersey, have jumped on the bandwagon, passing laws intended to prevent people from purchasing certain parts, downloading 3-D plans, and all kinds of … Read more

The Iron Pipeline Is So Last Week…The New Anti-Gun Hotness Is ‘Ghost Guns’

Those of us who worry about gun proliferation used to obsess about “the iron pipeline,” a.k.a. I-95, along which weapons were ferried from Southern states where they were easy to purchase to Northern destinations where they could be sold for a very tidy profit. Now shipping through the iron pipeline is sort of like keeping … Read more

FPC to YouTube: Ignore Gun-Grabbing Senators’ Plea to Censor ‘Ghost Gun’ Content

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) issued the following statement in response to the February 14, 2022 letter from Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Christopher Murphy (D-CT), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Edward Markey (D-MA) to YouTube’s CEO, Susan Wojcicki, demanding that it remove lawful content from its platform: Government officials using … Read more

Internal ATF Document: Americans Who Build Their Own Guns Are Terrorists, Criminals and Violent Extremists

By Lee Williams If there is any federal agency that can be counted on to create a problem just to justify their own existence, it’s certainly the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. When it comes to overhyping the next “threat” to the homeland – regardless of the facts – the ATF seldom disappoints. … Read more

DIY Guns, Part 1: An Intro to Modern 3D Printing and Making Your Own Firearms at Home

  [This is the first in a series on 3D printing for producing your own homemade firearms. (Part 2 here.) Despite the best efforts of federal and state level politicians, making your own guns at home for your own use is still legal in almost every state (some require registration…check your local laws)]. Experienced 3D … Read more

The More Governments Try To Disarm People, The More They Make Their Own Guns

There are a number of inconvenient truths about guns. Truths that you don’t seem to hear our friends in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex utter very often. For some reason. Truths like the fact that firearms used at least 1.1 million times per year (and probably closer to twice that number) in defensive situations. Situations where … Read more

So You Want to Make Your Own Gun . . .

By James England via In this video, you’ll see a rather rudimentary device constructed out of two pieces of pipe you can easily find at your local hardware store.  It’s called a zip gun or one-shot shotgun and such inventions have been around since modern munitions have existed and are still legal to make … Read more