A Home Intruder’s Death Marks First Homicide in Over 20 Years in Centerville, OH

Joseph Gibson, 36, of Dayton, forced his way into a Centerville, Ohio residence at 5 a.m. last Thursday. The residents of the home, a couple with two children, didn’t appreciate the violent and tumultuous intrusion, so the homeowner punched Mr. Gibson’s ticket. Gibson’s death ranked as the first homicide in 20-plus years in the sleepy … Read more

Canine Burglar Alarm: Early Morning Home Invader Shot by Chicago Home Owner

Man’s best friend makes the best burglar alarm. A northwest Chicago resident’s dog woke him up after 1 a.m yesterday. The barking, followed by a noise from the man’s basement spurred Mr. Homeowner to access his personal safety rescue tool. Good thing too, because the resident and his dog met a 27-year-old burglar who didn’t … Read more

El Paso Homeowner Shoots Home Invader After the Intruder Shot the Man’s Dog

  You can learn a few things from a John Wick movie, but maybe the most important lesson is…don’t mess with a man’s dog. Maybe Bruce Wayne Murphy isn’t a movie fan. Or maybe he’s just too much of a dim bulb to have picked up on the attachment people have for man’s best friend. … Read more

Oregon Homeowner Shoots a Home Invader After Being Forced to Make Him a Sandwich

Apparently breaking into residences and victimizing innocent people can work up an appetite in a fugitive on the run. Terry Lee Martz was feeling a might peckish on Saturday while carrying out a broad daylight home invasion at a residence in the eastern Oregon town Ontario. Martz let himself into the home on Saturday around … Read more

He Was Warned: Homeowner Shoots Crook Who Returned After Botched Theft Attempt

By Edgar Lee A failed attempt to steal a vehicle wasn’t enough to keep a would-be thief from returning to a Green, Ohio residence and ignoring the armed homeowner’s warnings. That earned him a gunshot wound to the leg before police eventually arrived on the scene. According to a Summit County Sheriff’s Office press release, … Read more

[VIDEO] Home Owner Opening Fire on 4 Home Invaders Caught on Camera

From wkyt.com: A Kentucky sheriff’s office has released video of a home invasion where the homeowner and one of the intruders exchanged gunfire. Warren County deputies responded to a home on Louisville Road Wednesday night after receiving a call about shots being fired. When they arrived, they found the homeowner had a gunshot wound to … Read more

Man Shot Dead While Invading a Home in USA’s Third Most-Armed State

In a region where 56.9% of residents own guns, if you force entry into a home and get shot, you deserve your Darwin Award. The odds just aren’t in your favor. The region in this case is the beautiful state of Idaho, which takes the Bronze among all U.S. states in terms of gun ownership. … Read more

Seattle Man Sends Home Invader to the Hospital, Where He’s Arrested on an Existing Warrant

Defensive gun use stories are not only commonplace, they also tend to elegantly prove exactly the points pro-2A people have been making until our faces turn blue. One of those points is that people who manage to get themselves shot by armed citizens often have an extensive criminal history. As in, they’ve had their second chance, … Read more

Three Strikes, You’re Out: Intruder Fails to Break Into Two Homes, Gets Shot in the Third

Soon after midnight on July 6, a 47-year-old man attempted to break into a Richmond, California home. And then another home. He succeeded at breaking into the third home, which belongs to a neighbor describes as a “quiet, reserved close knit family.” His burglar’s success, however, was short-lived: he smashed a window only to be shot … Read more