We’d Like to Know a Little Bit About You (but NOT for our “files”)

As many of the TTAG Armed Intelligentsia may have noticed, TTAG has been evolving lately. As we approach a milestone of a quarter of a million views per month, we’ve been working on streamlining the design, so we can add some advertisers (gotta pay the bills somehow) and generally working to make things easier on your eyes. We’ve also added some horsepower under the hood, which should make TTAG more reliable, with faster load times, fewer delays, and (hopefully) no downtime. We’ve also added some plugins to add features (did you know you can easily read TTAG on your smartphone?) and functionality. That brings us to comments, or more specifically, your comments . . .

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TTAG upgrades – Editing Your Comments (Yourself)

We love TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia. We love it even more when you feel moved to comment on something you read—as long as you avoid flaming. But in the big-league, razzle-dazzle, live-on-the-razor’s edge, take-your-life-in-your-hands world of blog commenting, sometimes there’s a slip betwixt the “publish button” and the lip. In plain(er) English, you hit “send” and just as the key travels back up to neutral on the old keyboard, you realize “butwaitI’mnotreadytosendthatIneedtomakesomechanges.”


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