TTAG Daily Digest: Redesigning the Conversation, Conservatives for Registration and Pushing “Murder Insurance”

Good luck with that . . . Can We Redesign The Way We Talk About Gun Control In America? Fred Dust, partner and global managing director at the design company Ideo,  also suspects that Americans’ common baseline on issues of gun control is more extensive than surface tensions would indicate. A distilled version of the … Read more

Under the Radar: An Interview with Darrell Issa

In all the spreading scandal that is Project Gunrunner, one of the key players in the investigation is Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA), Chairman of the House Oversight and Governmental Affairs Committee. Issa was interviewed a week ago on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. Sadly, that show flys well under the radar in a lot of markets. Happily, Hewitt put a transcript of his interview with Issa on We’ve scraped the portion that pertains to the AFT scandal, and reprinted it below, but we encourage you to visit to read the entire interview, other articles by Hewitt, as well as the other columnists on the site.

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