As TTAG’s reported before, the FBI’s case against the Hutaree Militia is looking dicier than a casino full of craps tables. When attempting to keep four members of the group incarcerated, the FBI agent in charge of the case had a major memory meltdown on the witness stand. And then the feds suddenly dropped their objections to the judge’s decision to set three four Hutarees free (with various conditions). A fourth Hut dude is due out this Wednesday. And now the AP reports that “lawyers for five Midwest militia members are facing a deadline to tell a federal appeals court why the men should be released from jail until trial.” Put another way . . .
Hutaree Prosecution in Danger of De-Evolution
Are they not militia men? Don’t ask the FBI agent who led the Bureau’s investigation into nine Hutaree members charged with plotting to shoot and kill police officers to trigger an armed insurrection. According to The Toledo Blade, Agent Leslie Larsen couldn’t recall “many details of the two-year probe yesterday during questioning by defense lawyers.” Many, as in most. Or, in fact, any. “Even the judge who must decide whether to release the nine until trial was puzzled. ‘I share the frustrations of the defense team … that she doesn’t know anything,’ U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts said after agent Leslie Larsen confessed she hadn’t reviewed her notes recently and couldn’t remember specific details of the case.” Perhaps agent Larson should have read the recent Reuters report on militia misegos. No wait; that was only slightly more vague than Agent Larson. At the risk of blinding you with the sun glare from my tin hat, what is the FBI hiding? Check this . . .
Hutaree Hub-Bub
In the main, the white supremacist anti-government militia folks are not the most powerful bullets in the ammo belt, if you know what I mean. I’m not saying they’re not a threat—if only because I never use double negatives. And, lest we forget, it doesn’t take a village to blow up a federal building. Still, … Read more