23 Shot, 1 Killed, No Arrests in Willowbrook, IL Juneteenth Party Shootout

Two hundred plus youths held an impromptu parking lot party in Willowbrook, Illinois this past weekend, ostensibly to celebrate the Juneteenth holiday. It all came to a screeching halt shortly after midnight when a vehicle rolled up and one or more persons emerged and began firing into the crowd. In the end, news reports say … Read more

Overwhelming #RESISTANCE: 80+ Sheriffs Tell Illinois Gov. Pritzker They Won’t Enforce His Gun Control Law

Yesterday, we noted that over thirty Illinois sheriffs had publicly told Illinois’ illustrious Gov. J.B. Pritzker they refuse to enforce the new gun ban and registration bill he so gleefully signed into law. The effort reached critical mass as by the end of the day with ninety sheriffs, state’s attorneys and county boards communicating the … Read more

Culture of Impunity: Armed Thieves Dump Emptied Cash Register in Front of Illinois Governor’s Home

  “Excuse me, Ms. Foxx? Sorry to interrupt your manicure, but I have the Governor on the phone for you.” What might cause Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker to get the Cook County State’s Attorney on the horn post haste? It might have something to do with embarrassing questions he’s getting about the cash register some … Read more

COVID-19 Freed Illinois Inmate Arrested in I-55 Armed Carjacking

It had to happen. One of the 4,000 Illinois prisoners released early under Gov. J.B. Pritzker got himself a gun almost immediately after his April 2 release. Then after he crashed his car on Interstate 55 just south of I-80, and used that gun to carjack another motorist to gain a new ride. Waynae Massey, … Read more

Why Americans Are Buying Guns: Illinois Has Released Nearly 4000 Prison Inmates Since March 1

The Illinois Department of Corrections has finally come clean with a list of inmates released since March 1.  The data should scare the hell out of Illinois residents. And plenty of other states have done the same. While many of these Prairie State offenders had already been scheduled for “mandatory supervised release,” plenty more were … Read more

Illinois Governor Pritzker Orders Masks as of May 1, But Mask + Gun = Felony Under Illinois Law

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker issued an executive order last week requiring residents to wear masks in public effective May 1st. However, the order puts gun owners in jeopardy with Illinois firearms laws. From the May 1, 2020 executive order . . . “Wearing a face covering in public places or when working. Any individual who … Read more