Glockswitchs dot com – Internet Scammer or ATF Sting Operation?

If you don’t know what a GLOCK switch is, you can catch up here, here, and here. Long story short, they’re illegal devices that convert a perfectly legal stock semi-automatic GLOCK pistol into a fully automatic bullet hose. They’re very popular with gang members these days and they’re getting easier to get on the street … Read more

Feds Fight the Flow of Chinese Auto Sears Into the U.S.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the federal agency responsible for policing guns in the U.S., said it seized 1,500 weapons modified with auto sears in 2021, a staggering increase over 2020, when only 300 were recovered.  “Auto sears are everywhere on the street right now,” said Jefferey Boshek, a 21-year ATF veteran … Read more

Houston Police Bodycam Video Shows Perp Shooting Cops With Illegal Full-Auto GLOCK Switch

  We’ve written in the past about illegal full-auto GLOCK switches sold by Chinese knock-off sites like It looks like one of these switches was used in September by a perp who shot and killed one Houston police officer and wounded another. Fred Milanowski, the special agent in charge of Houston’s ATF division, said Ledet … Read more