ILLINOIS STATE POLICE STRUGGLE: FOID, CCW Processing Riddled With Delays, Errors

Illinois law mandates that the Illinois State Police administer the Prairie State’s gun control licensing schemes, including the much-hated Firearms Owners ID cards as well as concealed carry licensing.  Even before China flu hit last year, the ISP struggled to keep up with applications and renewals.  After the COVID lockdowns began, and especially after last … Read more

BREAKING: Illinois State Police Extends Expiring FOID Cards, CCW Permits Due to Coronavirus Emergency

The Illinois State Police have posted the following notice on their Facebook page: ILLINOIS STATE POLICE DIRECTOR FILES EMERGENCY RULES REGARDING FOID AND CCL RENEWALS Springfield, IL – The Illinois State Police filed emergency rules this week to address renewals of Firearm Owner Identification and Concealed Carry Licenses during the COVID-19 epidemic. These rules are … Read more