OOPS: Cook County (IL) Judge Drops Gun In Courthouse

Concealed carry means concealed. Unfortunately for one Cook County, Illinois judge, he failed to grasp that concept. While walking out of the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Judge Joseph Claps’ gun fell out of his jacket and skittered onto the floor. Not missing a beat, he picked it up and continued on his way. There’s just … Read more

Armed Teachers Can Save Lives: Guns Save Life’s Free Teacher CCW Class

Armed teachers can save lives. While The People of the Gun know this, others who are less familiar with firearms don’t always recognize this simple truth. Forty open-minded Illinois school teachers and staff members participated in a free concealed carry course this past weekend to learn more about guns and gun safety. And, of course, … Read more

Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day Helps Kill Gun Dealer Licensing Bill!

Yesterday, the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day event took place in Springfield. Over 1500 good guys and gals turned out, rallied and then marched to the capitol building. Once there, they lobbied to successfully kill any chance of an over-ride of Governor Bruce Rauner’s veto of the Gun Retailer Licensing bill. The event kicked … Read more

Illinois Gun Dealer Licensing Law Goes to Governor Rauner. Will He or Won’t He Sign It?

The Illinois gun dealer licensing law currently sitting on the Governor’s desk makes a mockery of the Land of Lincoln residents’ gun rights. SB-1657 threatens the lawful commerce of a lawful product by empowering the state to impose conditions on that license. Mentioned in the bill . . . Licensing fees, a minimum number of hours … Read more

Illinois Gun Dealer Licensing Law SB-1657 Heads for the House

Illinois gun owners face a very real threat. Illinois’ gun dealer licensing bill (SB-1657) will have a hearing in a House committee next week, and from there it will almost assuredly go to the House floor for a vote. The good guys in Illinois have come together, standing shoulder-to-shoulder to oppose this bill. Yes, this … Read more

Annals of Concealed Carry: Chicago Criminals Travel To Indiana. And Get Shot

Image courtesy ABC-7 (Chicago)

A Chigaco-area scumbag is perforated, but alive today after he and an accomplice traveled to Gary, Indiana to rob the inaptly-named ‘Safe And Sound Social Club.’ The club may have looked like a soft target because it’s a popular hangout for senior citizens, but the two armed perps seem to have forgotten that Indiana is a ‘shall issue’ CCW state. Unlike the defenseless sheep of Chicagoland, there are armed sheepdogs among the flock in the Hoosier State. And when the Chi-town yoots started shooting up the joint, one of them had the effrontery to shoot back . . .

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