FELONY STUPID: Idaho Teen Converts to Islam, Planned to Attack Churches in N. Idaho

If anyone ever needed yet another reason to start and maintain a robust church security program in your place of worship, a story out of Idaho provides it. The Feds picked up Alexander Mercurio, a Muslim convert, the day before he planned to attack churches and then set them ablaze until he got to meet … Read more

Rise of War In 2023 Makes Gun Ownership More Precious Than Ever

A video from the last day of 2023 at the Task & Purpose YouTube channel gives a pretty good summary of the kinds of war our world saw in 2023. Not only does it show us the potential use Americans might have for the right to keep and bear arms in the United States, but … Read more

Porn Star Surrenders Her Shotgun to Austin Police In Virtue Signaling Stunt

“Celebrities” will do the darnedest things to virtue signal for a little love from their low-information fanbases (and get their names mentioned again). Retired porn star Mia Khalifa sought fifteen more minutes of fame yesterday with the help of the Austin, Texas Police Department. Following the Santa Fe High School shooting, she very publicly surrendered … Read more

ISIS Supports National Reciprocity!: Quote of the Day

“This is not just me saying it. These are the words in ISIS’ magazine. ISIS has specifically noted you can easily access weapons at 500-plus gun shows. And reciprocity is only going to make it easier.” – Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. in Pols, activists blast interstate concealed-carry bill at City Hall rally [via dailynews.com]

Springfield Armory Daily Digest: The Trump Pro-Gun Coalition, the Singing Peshmerga, and Trading Guns for Bail

As if you needed another reason to vote for him… Donald Trump Jr’s gun rights coalition includes Olympian and beauty queen – “An Olympic gold medalist, an influential lobbyist and a former beauty queen convicted of illegally killing a bear have joined forces for Donald Trump, joining his son’s ‘coalition’ for gun rights and the second amendment.” … Read more