Gabby Giffords: America’s Gun Owners Are Insurrectionists and a Threat to Democracy

By Lee Williams For American gun owners, one of the major problems with the legacy media controlling the national narrative is that their fellow leftists are never held accountable for what they say, regardless of how libelous, insulting and flat-out wrong their comments are. If a falsehood — even a whopper of a lie — … Read more

Capitol Police Officer’s Explanation for Shooting and Killing Ashli Babbitt Is Riddled With Problems

When the Capitol Hill riot — or the “insurrection” as the mainstream media like to refer to it — took place on January 6th, conservatives questioned why Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed. Babbitt was a veteran who was unarmed and was shot to death by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. Up until now, I … Read more

The Gas Pump Lady Comes for Capitol Rioters’ Carry Permits

This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  Florida Gas Pump Lady Suspends Carry Permits of Capitol ‘Insurrectionists’ Nicole “Nikki” Fried is known in Florida for three things: being the annoying narcissist who used taxpayer money to put her … Read more