The Whitetail Forge Knife Goes to Africa

My wife, Jacqueline, shared my excitement for my upcoming trip to South Africa and told some of her friends at work at a nearby college. One of the many she told was co-worker and part-time custom knife maker Darrin Totty, owner of Whitetail Forge in Columbia, Tennessee. He offered to make a knife to accompany … Read more

Guns We Love: The Heritage Rancher .22

The concept of a “truck gun” isn’t much different than a saddle scabbard rig more than 100 years ago. It’s basically a utility long gun that’s easily carried and deployed for any number of reasons. One carbine I’ve been carrying around the farm lately is Heritage’s Rough Rider .22. Rats, snakes and mice, oh my! … Read more

Gun Review: Kimber’s “Fin-Less” R7 Mako

The hottest trend in firearms over the past four years is the sub-compact semi-auto, and Kimber’s R7 Mako has jumped squarely into the frenzy.   This trend really got started when Sig Sauer’s P365 launched, with its sub-4-inch barrel, 4-inch height, 6-inch length and double-stack 9mm capacities. Several companies have followed with their own micro … Read more