Gov. Cuomo Rockin’ the NY Socialism Vibe by Targeting the NRA and Free Speech

The National Rifle Association, which has incurred “tens of millions of dollars in damages” from financial sanctions imposed by the state of New York, may potentially face an avalanche of additional penalties in anti-gun states throughout the union if New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has his way. “If I could have put the NRA out … Read more

Gunsite’s Ladies Pistol Course is On Target

Gunsite. Arguably the mecca of firearms training facilities in America. Naturally, when Buz Mills, Ken Campbell and Jane Anne Shimizu sought me out at SHOT Show to invite me to a Ladies Pistol Class at their facility in Paulden, AZ, I jumped at the chance! Even with the hundreds of hours of training I’ve put in … Read more

The Truth About Gun Violence in America

How many times have we heard it, “The NRA and Republicans are responsible for gun violence in America!!” Whoa, whoa, whoa – now just hold your horses there one minute, missy – since when does the NRA or the GOP advocate for gun violence? And excuse me but what about the cries to “stop politicizing” … Read more

“What Was That?!” Are You Prepared to Confront a Bump in the Night?

Gun owners and concealed carry permit holders know that being prepared is a key factor in successfully defending your own and our loved ones’ lives. A biometric safe next to your bed, frequent trips to the gun range, taking a self-defense firearms course…. But are you prepared to successfully confront a home intruder in the dead … Read more

Social Media Dilemma: To Tweet or Not To Tweet?

A lot of our readers are active on social media, both in 2A groups and on your home feeds, and quite outspoken when it comes to guns, Second Amendment rights, concealed carry, legislation…even TTAG writers (and that’s a whole ‘nother Oprah, so don’t get me started). But today, I want to talk about a comment I … Read more

Want to Get Your Kids Interested in Shooting Sports? Do This…

Growing up as the youngest daughter to an outspoken NRA member, avid hunter, weekly trap shooter and hunter safety instructor, I was no stranger to shooting sports and the time-honored tradition of conservation through hunting. While my kids have (obviously) grown up with the outspoken offspring of my gun-toting father, they haven’t always been hugely … Read more