TFW You Finally Realize You Really Are Your Own First Responder

“I remember back about 20 years ago the idea of Jews with guns in America was very fringe. It was considered very much of an extreme position,” [Cherev Gidon Israeli Tactical Training Academy Director Yonatan Stern] explains. ‘Now I am seeing, since October 7, all these people who are hardcore, lifelong Democrats, who contributed to … Read more

Reform Jews May Support Gun Control, but More Orthodox Jews are Becoming Gun Rights Supporters

The first thing Mushka Lowenstein does after saying her morning prayers, adjusting her wig, and serving her three kids breakfast, is take her Glock-19 out of the safe.  Then she puts on her uniform—a sweater and a skirt with hidden pants and belt loops sewn in where she places the holster for her gun. Then … Read more

It’s Time for More American Jews To Use Their Second Amendment Rights to Defend Themselves

The current unpleasantries in the Middle East have spilled over to affect Americans right here at home. Jews have become targets of pro-Palestinian mobs in a number of cities. There have been fist fights in Times Square and fireworks attacks in New York’s diamond district. Diners in New York and Los Angles have been assaulted … Read more

Jews in Chicago Training to Defend Themselves and Their Synagogues Responsibly

By CCL Shul Members In the wake of recent violent anti-Semitic hate crimes, Chicago Jews are training up — and praying their tactical knowledge never has to be used. “CCL Shul Members” is an organization that unites Jewish concealed carry license holders from across Chicagoland to promote the safe and lawful possession and use of … Read more

Jewish Americans Tooling Up!

If any demographic in America should embrace firearm ownership with both arms, one would think Jewish Americans would fit the bill. Sadly, for most American Jews, “Never Again” seems more of a meaningless slogan than a way of life. In fact, many Jews hate guns. Yes, even after the Holocaust, when some Jewish folks in … Read more

Roger Simon: It’s Just History and Logic…I’d Be a Fool Not To Buy A Gun

“For some time I have been a supporter of the Second Amendment — intellectually. I agreed with the Founders’ rationale for the right to bear arms. I even joined the NRA. “But I never bought a gun. “Although I know the basics of how to shoot, I didn’t want a pistol around the house. I didn’t think … Read more