Media Hype Aside, No One Has Made a Reliable, Market-Ready ‘Smart Gun’ Yet [VIDEO]

By Larry Keane There is a media blitz afoot, pitched by developers of authorized user recognition technology equipped firearms; what the media refers to as so-called, “smart guns.” Several of these companies herald that this is the year when they will finally bring their product to market. It might be a little premature to start … Read more

Old Joe Biden: Buy a Shotgun! New Joe Biden: We Need Smart Guns!

It’s hard to keep up with the nicknames floating around for former Vice President Joe Biden. President Trump, who’s managed to tag his political opponents with all manner of extremely sticky monikers (think Low Energy Jeb Bush, Little Marco Rubio, Elizabeth, “Pocahontas” Warren and Crooked Hillary Clinton) has referred to Uncle Joe a few different … Read more