After He Bested Them For Decades, Anti-Gun Groups Cheer LaPierre Resignation

As gun-ban advocates (and even some pro-gun voices) gloat over the announcement of National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s resignation, they’re leaving out some important facts. Despite some of NRA’s more recent challenges and criticisms, what they aren’t telling you is that the NRA, under LaPierre’s leadership, has outfoxed them at nearly every … Read more

Journalistic ‘Ethics’: Writer Runs Interview With Less Lethal Gun Maker at The Trace After Telling Him it Was for Wired Magazine

By Lee Williams  The Trace – former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda factory – has proven once again it is completely devoid of ethics and reliable only as a source of fake news.  The Trace wants the public to believe it’s an actual newsroom comprised of actual journalists. It calls itself “The … Read more

John Feinblatt Tries Desperately to Put Lipstick on the Gun Control Industry’s Sickly Pig

The classic definition of the word ‘chutzpah‘ has always been someone who kills his own parents, then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan. Yesterday, a prominent new example of chutzpah was on display in The Hill where Everytown for Gun Safety president John Feinblatt tried to take a victory … Read more

The Iron Pipeline Is So Last Week…The New Anti-Gun Hotness Is ‘Ghost Guns’

Those of us who worry about gun proliferation used to obsess about “the iron pipeline,” a.k.a. I-95, along which weapons were ferried from Southern states where they were easy to purchase to Northern destinations where they could be sold for a very tidy profit. Now shipping through the iron pipeline is sort of like keeping … Read more

Bloomberg’s Agitprop Production Arm ‘The Trace’ Working to Silence Gun Influencers

By Larry Keane Michael Bloomberg’s The Trace is on a campaign to turn gun companies against the leading online voices that speak about the importance of gun rights. The Trace, which is nothing but a gun control megaphone disguising itself as pseudo-journalism, sent out a “name-and-shame” email last week putting companies on notice. They listed 13 specific … Read more

OH Supreme Court: Schools Can Arm Staffers for Now, 4 Cities Sue ATF to Ban Ghost Guns [VIDEO]

This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For another look at the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  Sports man doesn’t want people to bear arms In a recent statement, LeBron James said in … Read more

Bloomberg, Ballmer Pouring Millions Into Online Advertising to Push 2020 Anti-Gun Democrats

[Everytown for Gun Safety’s] focus on digital advertising comes during what its top political aides said was the fastest change in media consumption habits since the dawn of the digital age. With millions of Americans homebound because of the pandemic, nearly half of all television consumption is now on streaming platforms. “2020 looks more like … Read more

Kamala Harris Grovels Before Watts, Feinblatt in Everytown’s Veepstakes

From the NSSF . . . U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) tried her best to knock former Vice President Joe Biden off the debate stage last June. Now she’s playing nice, trying to make it up to him and land the coveted spot as his running mate on the most antigun Democratic presidential ticket in history. Sen. Harris was … Read more

Bloomberg’s Everytown Partnering With Religious Groups to Push Gun Control in November Elections

By Elana Schor, AP A leading gun control advocacy group has enlisted more than a dozen religious leaders to boost voter turnout this fall in support of candidates who support measures to prevent gun violence. Everytown for Gun Safety, which expects to spend $60 million on this year’s elections, is forging its interfaith effort amid … Read more