Democrats Are Misleading the Public When It Comes to Crime Stats

In a recent analysis published in the New York Post, Professor John Lott, president of the acclaimed Crime Prevention Research Center, sharply critiques the way the Democratic Party and its allies in the media manipulate crime statistics to paint a misleading picture of safety under their leadership. Lott points out that despite claims by prominent … Read more

Carry Laws Don’t Increase Gun Theft or Gun Crimes

Gun control groups campaign against right-to-carry laws by claiming that guns carried in public pose a substantial threat to public safety, and that concealed carry permitting laws lead to more violent crime, not less. Giffords, for instance, alleges that “the dangers of permissive public carry laws” include an increase in gun thefts and “other undesirable … Read more

Bias Against Guns Continues Its AI Spread

If you can’t change the facts, change the public’s perception of the facts. Anti-gun politicians whose constituents express concerns about crime and public safety respond with the narrative that it’s a gun problem rather than a problem of lawbreakers and criminals, a message that is amplified and reinforced by an accommodating mainstream media. The national … Read more

New Lott Study: AI Chatbots Lean Left On Gun Control

If you were worried that the left-leaning nature of Artificial Intelligence chatbots would push it to the anti-gun side of the firearms debate, you were correct. A recent study by John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, showed that AI has an overwhelmingly leftwing bias concerning guns, gun control and crime. According to … Read more

More Gun Control In The Not-So “Land Of Enchantment”

New Mexico gun owners already find themselves under plenty of attack with Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham recently instituting a 30-day ban on concealed and open carry of firearms in Albuquerque and surrounding Bernalillo County. Now anti-gun state legislators are piling on, pre-filing two measures that would further infringe on New Mexico Citizens’ Second Amendment … Read more

The Empire Strikes Back: The Trace and New Yorker Attack John Lott’s Methods and Influence

In recent years, gun companies have aggressively marketed semi-automatic AR-style rifles to civilians. Manufacturers now produce as many as two and a half million such firearms per year, and they routinely show up in the country’s deadliest and most horrifying acts of mass violence, such as the rampages that occurred, less than two weeks apart, … Read more

Lott: The FBI Consistently Understates the Number of Armed Citizens Who Stop Mass Shootings?

While [Eli] Dicken was praised for his courage and skill – squeezing off his first shot 15 seconds after the attack began, from a distance of 40 yards – much of the news coverage drew from FBI-approved statistics to assert that armed citizens almost never stop such attackers: “Rare in US for an active shooter … Read more

HEY, LOOK AT ME: Oregon Man Surrenders His Two-Gun Arsenal To Police After Uvalde Massacre

We all thought that Florida Man sets the hightest bar for head-scratching moments. Now an Oregon man by the name of Ben Beers rolled his only ace in the game of conspicuous virtue signaling to step up and challenge Florida Man to hold his beer(s). Mr. Beers’ claim to fame: he has publicized his act … Read more

Ministry of Truth: Politicians’ and Media Misinformation Shape Public Misperceptions of Violent Crime and Guns

  [W]hile it’s true that firearms are the weapon of choice in more than half the murders in this country, it’s also true that only 7.9% of violent crimes were committed with guns. The new McLaughlin & Associates survey of 1,000 likely voters from April 20 to 26 for the Crime Prevention Research Center shows how … Read more