How Tax Dollars Exchange Hands For Political Favor

I’m calling this one out right from the starting gate. A $4 million federal grant has just been awarded to Pennsylvania through the U.S. Department of Justice Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI), claiming its goal is to expand evidence-based programs targeting root causes of violence and attempting to provide support to victims and … Read more

Sorry Josh, Eagle Arms Productions Will Allow Sales of ‘Ghost Gun’ Build Kits After All

Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Josh Shapiro made a hasty bee-line for the nearest TV cameras on Monday to anxiously announce that he’d managed to pressure the state’s largest gun show promoter to end the sale of so-called ghost gun kits at their shows. Eagle Arms Productions confirmed the agreement at the time, but had no more … Read more

Pennsylvania AG Pressures Gun Show Promoter to Ban Sales of ‘Ghost Gun’ Kits

Pennsylvania’s assiduously anti-gun Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, did the happy dance today for the press after announcing that he’s pressured the state’s largest gun show promoter into banning the sale of “ghost gun” kits. Shapiro held a press conference in Philadelphia today to announce the “agreement” under which Eagle Arms Productions will prohibit the sale … Read more

Gun Control: That Ship Has Sailed

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro waved his magic wand and made everything a firearm, with sales of raw materials subject to background checks. But even the Pennsylvania courts are having trouble with that bit of hocus pocus. To rub a little salt in the wound, CTRL-Pew also struck back with the Joshie Washie 9. This … Read more

Beating PA’s Ghost Gun Ban, and Bloomberg’s Bogus Super Bowl Ad [VIDEO]

  This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  Injunction WON in Suit Over Pennsylvania’s “Ghost Gun” Ban This week, Judge P. Kevin Brobson of Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court … Read more

Here’s Why Pennsylvania FFLs Should Comply With The New ‘80% Receiver’ Rules

As expected, the Pennsylvania State Police have informed Federal Firearm Licencees in that state that they must begin performing background checks for the sales of “Partially-Manufactured Frame(s) or Receivers” (PMFR) and record that transaction on a new form. As Pennsylvania attorney Joshua Prince notes, this is problematical because the letter doesn’t really specify just what … Read more

Under Pennsylvania’s New 80% Lower Standard, Virtually Anything Can Now be Defined as a Gun

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro has issued a legal opinion that reportedly rules “80%” receivers and frames are now considered to be firearms. Oh, no. As usual, it is much worse than that. Any attempt to regulate something has to define that item…just so you’ll know what it is that’s being regulated. AG Shapiro has … Read more

PA AG Decries ‘Flagrant Disregard of the Law’ in KY While Ignoring it in Pittsburgh

When Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto signed three new gun control provisions into law in the Steel City recently, he did so in blatant disregard for the state’s preemption law. In fact, while the laws were under consideration by the Pittsburgh city council, DA Stephen Zappala warned all involved that what they were doing was clearly … Read more