Woke Activist Judge in Washington DC Catching Heat For Releasing Would-be Spree Killer Without Bail

Soft-on-crime politicians, prosecutors and judges claim they’re “helping” the community by not locking up violent offenders. In reality, they’re victimizing the community by returning feral monsters back onto the streets to they can do horrific things to still more innocent people. One D.C. judge named Lloyd Nolan, Jr. falls squarely in that category, releasing a … Read more

Determined Would-Be Murderer Meets the Power of Prayer… and a Pistol

A Mississippi mom harnessed the power of prior planning, prayer and her pistol to protect her three small children and herself from a determined attacker earlier this week. It happened in Carroll County, Mississippi, on Monday. Cops say Steve Lamar Goss, Jr., a felon out on bond on a previous felony deadly weapons charge, didn’t … Read more

Patriot Picket Lets Marylanders Know What to Expect From the Legislature’s Bruen Response Bill

As in so many other blue states, Maryland’s legislature is working on a Bruen response bill — the Gun Safety Act — that would drastically crack down on gun right including no-go zones for concealed carry permit holders. Members of Patriot Picket have been there in Annapolis letting Delegates know that with Bruen now the … Read more

A SAF Win in New York: Judge Issues Injunction Blocking Enforcement of State’s Ban on Guns in Houses of Worship

Last month, a US District Court judge issued a temporary restraining order blocking enforcement of New York’s newly-enacted ban on carrying firearms in houses of worship. As Judge John Sinatra, Jr. wrote at the time . . . In Bruen, the Supreme Court made the Second Amendment test crystal clear: regulation in this area is … Read more

Lott: The FBI Consistently Understates the Number of Armed Citizens Who Stop Mass Shootings?

While [Eli] Dicken was praised for his courage and skill – squeezing off his first shot 15 seconds after the attack began, from a distance of 40 yards – much of the news coverage drew from FBI-approved statistics to assert that armed citizens almost never stop such attackers: “Rare in US for an active shooter … Read more

Ministry of Truth: Politicians’ and Media Misinformation Shape Public Misperceptions of Violent Crime and Guns

  [W]hile it’s true that firearms are the weapon of choice in more than half the murders in this country, it’s also true that only 7.9% of violent crimes were committed with guns. The new McLaughlin & Associates survey of 1,000 likely voters from April 20 to 26 for the Crime Prevention Research Center shows how … Read more

ISIS Supports National Reciprocity!: Quote of the Day

“This is not just me saying it. These are the words in ISIS’ magazine. ISIS has specifically noted you can easily access weapons at 500-plus gun shows. And reciprocity is only going to make it easier.” – Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. in Pols, activists blast interstate concealed-carry bill at City Hall rally [via dailynews.com]