Biden-Harris Administration Ramps Up Its Campaign to Spread Their War on Guns to the States

From NRA-ILA . . . Recently, we reported on the establishment of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, an effort by the Biden Administration to funnel taxpayer dollars to the partisan project of gun control. Whatever else can be said of the office, it is at least trying to justify its existence by staying busy, … Read more

Wrong Again: Kamala Harris Prescribes a Public Health ‘Solution’ to ‘Gun Violence’

Vice President Kamala Harris believes gun control is a public health issue, giving Americans more reasons to be wary of gun control efforts. The problem is, crime isn’t a disease, as much as gun control advocates want to treat it as such. Criminal activity is a behavior and science has yet to bring about a … Read more

Veep: You Can Be for Gun Control and Support the Second Amendment at the Same Time

  [Vice President Kamala] Harris, who has embraced a more combative role as President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign kicks into gear, took a swipe at Republicans who have blocked Democrats’ proposed gun safety laws, saying such changes are no threat to Americans’ constitutional gun rights. “There are some people who are just trying to sell a … Read more

Veep Thoughts on Gun Control and the Second Amendment

  Gun violence is now the number one cause of death for children in our nation. Leaders in state houses and the United States Congress must have the courage to step up and pass commonsense gun safety laws, which the majority of Americans support. — Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) April 19, 2023   … Read more

The American Gun Owner is the Only Thing Stopping More Gun Control Laws

By Larry Keane Democrats have just one obstacle when it comes to achieving their vaunted gun control utopia. It’s you – the completely irrational, rights-demanding, unreasonable and uncompromising American. You “selfish” gun owners. You are the unbending firearm makers and gun buyers. You are what is stopping gun control in America. That’s what the parade … Read more

Biden Chooses Kamala Harris as His Gun Control Partner, Creating the Most Anti-Gun Ticket in History

By Larry Keane Americans’ Second Amendment rights will be front and center in the November election as 2020 presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden made it official, announcing U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate. The pick means Democrats will nominate one of the most anti-gun presidential tickets in modern history, placing Sen. Harris a heartbeat … Read more

Kamala Harris is Too Ignorant About the Nation’s Gun Laws to be President

California’s Democrat Senator Kamala Harris started out as a deputy district attorney in Oakland. In a job like that, she no doubt dealt with a lot of firearms-related crimes and prosecutions. She was then elected to the lofty post of Attorney General of the Golden State. That’s the state with the strictest gun laws in … Read more