Kyle Rittenhouse’s Friend Charged for Giving Him the Rifle Used in the Kenosha Shootings

It’s been reported that the rifle Kyle Rittenhouse used during the Kenosha shootings was owned by a friend of his. That’s apparently not entirely true, but either way, that friend, 19-year-old Dominick Black, has been charged with two felony counts of giving a dangerous weapon to a person under the age of 18, causing death. … Read more

Zorn: All the Evidence Points to a ‘Not Guilty’ Verdict for Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle Rittenhouse is going to walk. This is my conclusion as I emerge, blinking in the light, from the rabbit hole I’ve been down all week of self-defense law, jury-instruction language, charging documents and online, frame-by-frame analysis of the videos of the tragic shootings in Kenosha during street protests on Aug. 25. Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old … Read more