Kentucky’s FIND (Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination) Act Needs Your Support

With just a couple weeks remaining in the Kentucky legislative session, time is running low to ensure that the state Senate votes on House Bill 175. Sponsored by Republican state Rep. Savannah Maddox and passed out of the Kentucky General Assembly with a 73-24 vote, HB 175, titled the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination Act (or FIND … Read more

Kentucky Man Wakes to Find Two Home Invaders, Then Opens Fire

“‘You have a responsibility to protect yourself and your family in whatever means possible to do that,’ [Radcliff Police Capt. Willie] Wells said. ‘So, long as you can articulate that your actions were in defense of yourself or your property, then I think you would be justified.’” That’s the considered opinion of a Kentucky cop … Read more

Kentucky Gov Matt Bevin: Those Offended By Second Amendment Rights Can Live Elsewhere

Kentucky’s Governor Matt Bevin tries to work cooperatively with everyone in the Kentucky General Assembly.  But regarding the debate over constitutional carry in the Bluegrass State, he’s heard enough doomsday hyperbole. So when push came to shove, he offered a very pointed and memorable bit of advice to those who tried to talk him out … Read more

Weapon Mounted Light: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

  This pocket dump includes a GLOCK 43 and a small folding knife but what I’m interested in is the WML. It’s a Streamlight TLR-6 which has both a light and a red laser. The light is only 100 lumens, so a bit less than ideal, but it’s a nice little trigger guard-mounted WML (and … Read more

Instinctive Woman Stops Premeditated School Shooting From Over 600 Miles Away

Watch the latest video at Koeberle Bull, a mother from New Jersey, is being hailed as a hero for taking action that may have stopped a school shooting. It all started when Ms. Bull received an extremely insulting Facebook message from a complete stranger. The message read, in part: “There’s no such thing as … Read more

New Mexico Pulls the Plug on Utah Concealed Carry Reciprocity. Here’s Why . . .

After the MORE button: the official press release from the New Mexico Department of Public Safety re: the termination of The Land of Enchantment’s concealed carry reciprocity agreement with Utah. Let me save you some reading-between-the-lines time. Firearms trainers from Utah (and Florida) have fanned out across the country, offering concealed carry courses to non-residents (including states without reciprocity, like New York). At the end of the four-hour-ish instruction, the educators give qualified attendees the magic piece of paper: a Utah concealed carry permit. They’re then good to stow in 17—sorry, 16—states: Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont and Wyoming. What’s wrong with that? As far as I’m concerned, nothing. But Utah’s freelancers are taking food off the table of firearms instructors in New Mexico, who argue that the roving Utah instructors’ standards are below New Mexico’s. Really? TTAG will call New Mexico DPS on Monday to ferret out their exact justification. Much merriment is sure to ensue.