Customers, Community Supporting Targeted Texas Gun Dealer’s Fight to Retain His FFL

By Lee Williams  If the Biden-Harris administration continues its unconstitutional war on gun dealers, the local gun shop will become just a faded memory and only big-box sporting goods stores will be able to sell firearms, says Tom Harris, who’s been selling guns from his Lewisville, Texas home for the past 30 years.  The Bureau … Read more

Fargo, ND Sues State Over Preemption Law That Voids the City’s Ban on ‘Kitchen Table’ FFLs

The state’s biggest city has an ordinance that bans people from selling guns and ammunition out of their homes. The Republican-controlled Legislature passed a law this year that limits cities and counties from regulating guns and ammunition. The law, which took effect Tuesday, also voids existing, related ordinances. The city’s lawsuit says the “stakes are much higher” … Read more

‘We’re Shutting the Gun Shows Down’: ATF SWAT Team Raids Part-Time Oklahoma FFL’s Home, Confiscates His Guns

by Lee Williams  Russell Fincher is a high school history teacher, a Baptist pastor and a part-time gun dealer. He also coaches Little League in his hometown of Tuskahoma, Oklahoma, which has a population of around 151 souls.  Fincher, 52, has had a federal firearm license for three years. He has no brick-and-mortar gun shop. … Read more

Why a ‘Kitchen Table’ FFL is a Bad Idea

Here at TTAG, we get lots of questions from our readers about a variety of gun-related and regulatory topics. One of the those that we’ve been meaning to cover over the years is so-called kitchen table FFLs. These non-conventional federal firearms licenses have advantages and disadvantages, both aspiring firearm industry professionals and consumers alike. My … Read more