The Real Reason Kyle Rittenhouse Shot Three People in Kenosha, Wisconsin (It Wasn’t Racism)

The Rittenhouse shootings took place on the third day of rioting in Kenosha. Authorities, including the Governor, had little or no interest in intervening. Police and National Guardsmen had been pulled back while rioters burned, vandalized and destroyed large swaths of the city. And a volatile, mentally ill sex offender had been released from a … Read more

Rioting Breaks Out in Portland Over Rittenhouse Not Guilty Verdict

From the AP Portland police Friday night declared as a riot a demonstration downtown against the acquittal of a teen who killed two people and injured another during a protest in Wisconsin. The protest of about 200 people was declared a riot after protesters started breaking windows, throwing objects at police and talked about burning … Read more

David French’s Irrational Fear of Guns is No Reason to Outlaw Open Carry

  Open carry is materially different from concealed carry. It’s often designed to be menacing, to intimidate the public and public officials. And after the debates around Rittenhouse, it’s time to rethink open carry, as a matter of ethics and law. — David French (@DavidAFrench) November 16, 2021 Instead of asking why a then-17 … Read more