Villanueva: Violence Puts People in Jail in Los Angeles, Not Racism

[O]n his first day in office, Gascon issued a memo listing 13 crimes that the District Attorney’s Office no longer would prosecute, including driving without a valid license, drug possession, loitering to commit prostitution, resisting arrest, and trespassing.  The results of such changes are “creating a dystopian society as we speak,” [Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex] Villanueva … Read more

Laboratory of Regulation: California Illustrates De Facto Racist Nature of Gun Control Laws

“All of this stuff that you see right now is just that, ‘Oh, we’re wealthy, we can just go buy [guns],’” [Maj] Toure added. “But yet and still, the areas that have the most crime have the most restrictive gun laws.” Geneva Solomon, the co-owner of Black-owned Redstone Firearms in Los Angeles County’s Burbank, agreed … Read more

With LA’s Crime Now Inconveniencing Beverly Hills and Bel Air Residents, Stances on Gun Ownership Are Changing

“’It’s gotten to a point where residents feel insecure even going from their door to their car,’ said resident Shirley Reitman. ‘A lot of residents are applying for a concealed carry weapon permit, even though that’s a great challenge in LA County.’” Does this woman live in a tough, violence-prone neighborhood in east L.A.? Is … Read more

The ‘May Issue’ Ignorance of LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva

Despite skyrocketing violent crime rates, Sheriff Alex Villanueva steadfastly refuses to allow his constituents to defend themselves. By Lee Williams Violent crime is skyrocketing in Los Angeles County, Sheriff Alex Villanueva announced yesterday on Instagram. Homicides have increased more than 95% compared to the same timeframe last year. (Villanueva didn’t specify the timeframe.) What he … Read more

Brutal: LA County Sheriff Calls Out LeBron James, Wants Him to Match Reward for Deputies’ Shooter

We’ve been critical of LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva in the past as he’s no friend of gun owners or civilian gun rights. But credit where it’s due for a well-played move. LeBron James has taken great pride in cloaking himself in a veneer of social justice credibility. Where Michael Jordan actively avoided politics, noting … Read more

Two LA County Sheriff’s Deputies Ambushed In Their Patrol Car [VIDEO]

This is the natural result of months of portraying all law enforcement officers as violent, racist thugs. It’s been a constant refrain from protesters, politicians, gun control advocates, and those in the media. Now, the attempted assassination of two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies has been caught on video as they sat in their car … Read more

LA County Sheriff: We Need Federal Regulation of ‘Ghost Guns’ Because Only Prohibited Persons Buy Them

You’ll be surprised to learn that at no time during last night’s ’60 Minutes’ report on “ghost guns” was it ever mentioned that non-prohibited persons building guns for their own use has been legal in the United States since before there was a United States. And that ’60 Minutes’ concluded that, since the ATF waved … Read more

BREAKING: LA County Sheriff Throws in the Towel, Will Allow Gun Stores to Reopen

Please see my statement regarding clarification on essential businesses during the #Covid19 Crisis: #LASD #FlattenTheCurve #SheriffV — Alex Villanueva (@LACoSheriff) March 31, 2020 Another win for the right to armed self defense. Sheriff Alex Villanueva — for the second time — has reversed himself and announced that LA County gun stores will not be … Read more

BREAKING: FPC, SAF, CGF, NRA File Federal Lawsuit Against L.A. Sheriff Villanueva, California Gov. Newsom Over Constitutional Violations

From the Firearms Policy Coalition: Today, attorneys for plaintiffs including individuals, a Los Angeles firearm and ammunition retailer, Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), National Rifle Association of America (NRA), California Gun Rights Foundation (CGF), and Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) filed a federal lawsuit challenging state and local policies and enforcement practices that violate Second and Fourteenth … Read more