Pro-Gun Activists, Senators Shut Down Chuck Canterbury’s Nomination as BATF Head

The good guys appear to have won the day in the fight over Trump’s nomination of Chuck Canterbury to head the the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and really big fires. While Canterbury’s nomination may have looked good on the surface to some, plenty more gun rights activists convinced key Republican senators to block … Read more

Firearms Industry Heads to Capitol Hill

By Larry Keane Nothing is more influential and more important for lawmakers than to hear directly from their constituents. That’s why I couldn’t have been more proud of the 70 attendees from across the firearms and ammunition industries for joining together this week to make NSSF’s annual Fly-In a success. Representatives from over 40 firearms … Read more

It’s Not About New Laws, It’s About Implementing the Ones We Have

By Larry Keane The murders in Aurora, Illinois, reveal the inability or unwillingness of many in authority to ensure that our existing laws are working. The convicted felon who murdered five at his workplace last week should never have had a gun. We need to know why that happened so it can be fixed so … Read more

NSSF Congressional ‘Fly-In’ Brings Gun Industry Leaders to Washington

By Larry Keane There’s something to be said about old-fashioned legwork, firm handshakes and direct conversations with members of Congress. Just one week after more than 55 firearms and ammunition industry executives came together on Capitol Hill to meet with senators and representatives, the effort is paying off. The National Shooting Sports Foundation held its … Read more

Quote of the Day: Hunting as Wildlife Management

“The science of wildlife management is premised on managing populations; you don’t manage to prevent harm to individual animals in a species. If that is what wildlife management is about, then you have just made the argument to ban hunting, which is a vital wildlife management tool and widely accepted in America even by non … Read more