Gear Review: Streamlight TLR-6 Tactical Gun Light

Just a few years ago the idea of concealed carrying with an attached weapon light was a non-starter. I tried with an old Streamlight TLR-3 and found it too bulky and too hard to find a holster I liked. I basically gave up on the idea of using a tactical light until I got my … Read more

U.K. Police To Test Blinding Laser For Crowd Control

It may look like one, but this crude graphic (courtesy of the venerable Beeb) does not depict a scoped bullpup bipod-mounted can of ultra-pasteurized whipped cream.  It’s actually a very crude CGI illustration of an experimental riot-control weapon that uses a laser to temporarily blind its targets.  By ‘temporarily’, we hope they don’t mean “until science develops an artificial replacement retina.”

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