If Police Won’t Stop the Violence and Looting, America’s Gun Owners Will

Widespread looting and rioting have gripped America these past few days. Business owners across Illinois, and likely much of the nation, have voted with their checkbook on the matter. They have little or no confidence in their local political leaders and law enforcement to maintain order. Even small towns in the Land of Lincoln have … Read more

Former LEO Warner: You Take a Life, You’re Going to Go Through Something

“Whether you’re in law enforcement or a private citizen, you take a life, you’re going to go through something,” [former LEO Brian] Warner said. “We don’t do enough to combat that.” Aliza Luft agrees. She’s an assistant sociology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles who has studied war and violence in countries like … Read more

Lying On a 4473, Borrowing From the NRA, and LEOs Without Guns: TTAG Daily Digest

Chicago Tribune: Lie on a Firearms Background Check? What Have You Got to Lose? This just in: criminals are going to act criminally . . . Anyone who wants to buy a gun from a licensed dealer is required to fill out a “Firearms Transaction Record.” It asks various questions to determine if the customer … Read more

Houston LEO Negligently Discharges AR-15 in Airport

Only law enforcement should have guns, right? Reported by Chron.com: An AR-15 rifle wielded by a Houston police officer mistakenly fired into the floor at the baggage area of Hobby Airport on Thursday night, according to authorities. The on-duty officer was patrolling the airport when the semi-automatic rifle went off around 8:15 p.m. at the … Read more

Will SIG Break GLOCK’s Law Enforcement Stranglehold?

GLOCKs may not win any beauty pageants, but they work. When they first came out, GLOCKs faced a lot of scrutiny and skepticism over the polymer frames’ durability and reliability (especially after the factory recalled the entire first run). In a few short years, GLOCK’s popularity skyrocketed. Today, almost two-thirds of US law enforcement agencies use … Read more

U.K. Police To Test Blinding Laser For Crowd Control

It may look like one, but this crude graphic (courtesy of the venerable Beeb) does not depict a scoped bullpup bipod-mounted can of ultra-pasteurized whipped cream.  It’s actually a very crude CGI illustration of an experimental riot-control weapon that uses a laser to temporarily blind its targets.  By ‘temporarily’, we hope they don’t mean “until science develops an artificial replacement retina.”

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The Massad Ayoob Chronicles, Part I

Massad Ayoob is recognized around the world as an expert in personal defense. He’s been “on the job” with law enforcement since 1972, and has written countless articles, books and courses on self-defense. He’s also been called as an expert witness in hundreds of self-defense cases. I interviewed him by phone this week, on personal defense topics, and asking a number of questions that TTAG readers supplied on the site. What follows is a transcription of the first portion of the interview.

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