New York Attorney General Pledges to Pursue the NRA to the Ends of the Earth

New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after the National Rifle Association (NRA) declared it would seek bankruptcy protections in federal court, as well as sought to reincorporate its nonprofit status in the state of Texas: “The NRA’s claimed financial status has finally met its moral status: bankrupt. While we review … Read more

Be Careful What You Wish For: Gun Grabbers Worry NRA’s Successor Would be More Far More Pro 2A

Alex Yablon is a former writer at Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop generation station, The Trace. In the Slate piece quote below, he indulges in a little wish-fulfilment fantasizing about what a post-NRA gun rights landscape might look like if the New York AG succeeds in taking the gun rights giant down. Even the ACLU concedes … Read more

ACLU: The National Rifle Association Has a Right to Exist

The American Civil Liberties Union has never been a friend of gun owners or their rights. It seems that not all enumerated rights are equal — or even exist — in their book. So color us surprised that the national legal director for the ACLU, David Cole, has just published an op-ed in the Wall … Read more

Dell’Aquila: NRA Needs to Dissolve in New York, Write a Big Check, and Re-Charter in Texas

David Dell’Aquila is the National Rifle Association megadonor who became disillusioned with the Association the more he found out about how it operates. He then began a dissident movement to withhold planned donations from the NRA in order to force a clean-up in Fairfax. He eventually went so far as to file a multi-million dollar … Read more

NAGR’s Brown: The NRA Has Been AWOL from the Second Amendment Fight for Decades

While [The National Association for Gun Rights’ Dudley] Brown thinks that the lawsuit is a “convenient” political persecution and said his organization doesn’t take any delight in James’ prosecution, the gun rights advocate said that exposing the corruption within the organization is important for its members. … Brown is not only outraged by the alleged … Read more

The Shoe Finally Drops on the NRA and the Outcome is Far From Certain

When allegations of corruption, unchecked spending and self-dealing at the NRA finally broke into the open last year following the virtual street fight at the Indianapolis convention, we called the situation exactly what it has turned out to be; an existential threat to the organization. The situation was that serious because, due to inertia, inattention, … Read more