The ATF Gets Legislative Pushback on the Agency’s History of Enforcing Secret Regulations

In a letter sent last week to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and ATF Acting Director Marvin Richardson, 20 Senators called out the ATF for its practice of passing internal guidance and then enforcing it on an unsuspecting public. The letter specifically discusses ATF’s recent crackdowns on solvent traps and forced reset triggers. From the … Read more

No, Pistol Braces Are NOT Banned . . . But ATF Is Attempting Further Restrictions

  With the leak of a new letter showing that ATF is opening up a public comment period ahead of finalizing their “Objective Factors for Classifying Weapons with Stabilizing Braces” document, there is renewed fear of an impending pistol brace ban. That isn’t happening. However, ATF is absolutely attempting to crack down on what it … Read more

Letters: High-Speed Assault Rifle Bullets Pulverize Bones and Organs

Bear with me. I find this series of letters to the editor interesting and couldn’t pick a single quote but instead chose to use them all. Whether or not a fourth letter appears is anyone’s guess. Dec. 16 — To the Editor: Let me start by thanking all the pro-assault rifle folks for coming to … Read more