Armed Self-Defense Is For Everyone: Rainbow Reload Helps LGBT Members ‘Be Dangerous Back’

Amid the hikers and snowmobilers in the park today, these are members of a group called Rainbow Reload, an LGBTQ gun club that offers experts and the gun-curious a chance to practice firearms skills in a supportive environment. Similar groups exist across the country, often under the name “Pink Pistols.” Rainbow Reload members stress that … Read more

No Matter Who You Are, You Need A Gun For Protection

By Desiderius Erasmus, a Guns Save Life member The “typical” gun owner is often characterized by many bigoted non-gun-owners as a right wing, redneck, beer-guzzling, low IQ Neanderthal who is just itchin’ to pull the trigger. But times have changed, and now a whole lot of those non-gun-owners – who used to be dismissive of … Read more

Nadal: Disenfranchised Communities Need Guns Because Police Can’t Be Trusted to Protect Them

The state is given a huge amount of power and discretion in the way that it decides who should be allowed to have a firearm and who should not. Background checks are a common tool for enforcing gun-control. This has been yet another tool of the state that is enforced inequitably. It has regularly been … Read more

An Anti-Gun March for Our Lives Organizer Becomes a Pro-Gun Director of a Pink Pistols Chapter

At 17, Fanaeian co-founded the Utah chapter of March for Our Lives, a nationwide, student-led campaign born out of the 2017 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 dead. In 2018, she helped organize a massive event where roughly 8,000 protesters met at the state Capitol to demand stricter gun laws. … Read more

Armed Equality Slams LGBT Groups for Supporting California’s ‘Large Capacity’ Magazine Ban

Last month, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down California’s “large capacity” magazine ban. It was a huge victory for gun rights advocates and a perfect illustration that elections really do have consequences. As predicted, and like clockwork, California’s Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, filed a motion with the court for … Read more

Why are So Many LGBT People Hostile to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms?

Armed gays don’t get bashed. Which is why it boggles the mind that so many LGBT people are opposed to gun rights and vote for anti-Second Amendment politicians. I don’t understand why the LGBTQ community is so hostile toward the Second Amendment. I’d like to ask my fellow gays to take a moment and consider … Read more

Growing the Second Amendment Community One Step at a Time

In our continuing effort to grow the 2A community and bridge divides in our hyper-polarized world, Armed Equality is proud to announce that we have raised the LGBT Gadsden Flag at one of our local LGBT-owned and operated pawn and firearm shops. This flag is the symbolic embodiment of the American willingness to defend life, … Read more

Gun Lovers and LGBTQ People: More Alike Than We Think

“Shooting isn’t like any other hobby,” says Erin Palette, the founder of the LGBTQ-friendly firearms education network called Operation Blazing Sword. “Car people will talk your ear off, but they usually won’t say, ‘Hey, do you want to drive it?’ But, at practically any shooting range, shooters who catch you looking at their guns will … Read more

Is Your Local Gun Shop Helping or Hurting the Cause?

Over the last few years my involvement in the 2A community has been quite enlightening. One of the realities I have become more and more aware of is that our tendencies as human beings to engage in petty rivalries, competition, and back-stabbing is alive and well within the 2A community. While this really shouldn’t be … Read more