Happy Obama Day: 10 Killed, 60 Wounded In Chicago Gang Violence This Weekend

Illinois celebrated its first ‘Barack Obama Day‘ on Saturday. Meanwhile in the former president’s adopted home town, gang violence ran rampant. With high temperatures and low self-control, the city’s criminal class kept hospitals busy. By the end of the holiday weekend, 60 were wounded and 10 had died. Operating from their standard summer season playbook, Chicago … Read more

Mandalay Bay Shooting: Why He Did It, Why He Stopped

Stephen Paddock did the unthinkable. He broke out two windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, aimed a rifle at a crowd of 22 thousand open air concert goers and fired into their midst. His attack killed 58 people and wounded 546, some of whom remain critically injured, many lifelong. Why did … Read more