New View: Rock River Arms XM24 Tactical Bolt-Action Rifle

In a move that long-range fans will love and reminds the rest of us that not all things tactical need to be semi-auto and begin with the initials “AR,” Rock River Arms has introduced a new precision rifle designed for extreme long-range accuracy. The new RRA XM24 Tactical is built to meet the performance requirements … Read more

Going Long: Improving Your Skills at a High Elevation Precision Rifle Course

“What exactly do you consider to be long range?”  That’s a good question and it is truly subjective. If you have a Ruger 10/22 in your hands, 100 yards is long range. If you’re shooting at a whitetail with a Remington 870 loaded with slugs, an 87 yard shot is long range. However, when you … Read more

Course Review: ATX Precision Rifle I, One Year Later

When Clayton Hergert of ATX Precision launched his first Precision Rifle I course, TTAG writer Tyler Kee was first in line. His excellent review of the infant course is well worth the read. Going on a year later, and with a few iterations of the course under Clayton’s belt, I was interested in taking the course … Read more

Gun Review: Christensen Arms TFM (Tactical Force Multiplier) Rifle

Whether it’s an accent on a BMW M car, the barrel of a Dunhill foundation pen, or a precision rifle barrel, I love me some carbon fiber. When used right, carbon fiber imparts strength, light weight and looks good while doing it. So when I first saw the Christensen Arms Tactical Force Multiplier (“TFM”) at … Read more