This Summer in Chicago Won’t Be the ‘Summer of Joy’ Lori Lightfoot is Predicting

Shades of Jenny Durkin’s Summer of Love. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has looked into her Windy City crystal ball and divined that “This summer will be the summer of joy.” But from the looks of the first unofficial summer holiday, the upcoming summer in Murder City, USA is going to be anything but joyful. You … Read more

Life in Chicago: Theatre Cancels Sunday Evening Show Due To Double Shooting Outside

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s lousy leadership continues to pay dividends for the violent criminals element in her city. Even in formerly nice and relatively peaceful parts of the city by the lake, criminals now brazenly ply their trade with little to worry from police. This past weekend, 35 people gained fresh bullet holes and 9 … Read more

While Chicagoans Live With Fewer Cops & More Crime, Mayor Lightfoot Has a 90-Person Security Detail

Chicago’s famously inept Mayor Lori Lightfoot, an advocate of defunding the police and a critic of law enforcement and gun rights for law-abiding civilians, sure likes to feel safe and secure. She has presidential-level security detail of 90 police officers to protecting her and her family. That’s almost 1% of the total number of sworn … Read more

New York City’s Eric Adams Teams Up With Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot In A Race To The Bottom

It’s generally considered well worthwhile to seek the advice of others with more experience when taking on a new job. By seeking the counsel of an accomplished, recognized authority in a particular field, you can avoid costly mistakes and benefit from the lessons others have already learned. That’s why it’s so baffling that New York … Read more

Illinois State Police Expressway Shooting Map Details Chicagoland Violence On Interstates

Some people believe the best way to avoid rampant violence in bad neighborhoods involves driving past them on freeways doing at least 70mph. In Illinois, however, even if you don’t stop in the most dangerous parts of Murder City, USA, there remains a non-negligible change of getting shot anyway. Or at least shot at. Violence … Read more

One More Time: It’s Not ‘Gun Violence’ It’s Gang Violence

Every time you hear a politician or a media personality mention “gun violence,” you should mentally translate that phrase to “gang violence.” Not only that, but ask yourself if that politician or media outlet has an agenda by mislabeling gang violence as something entirely different. Obviously politicians who have enabled the “criminal justice reforms” that … Read more

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot’s ‘Census Cowboy’ Sentenced To Year in Jail For Animal Abuse At Anti-Gun Protest

Everyone knew Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s “Census Cowboy” was all hat and no cattle.  But it turns out, it was much worse than that. Lightfoot appointed someone named Adam Hollingsworth, aka the “Dread Head Cowboy” to be the city’s “Census Cowboy” to encourage participation in the 2020 Census. In his spare time, Hollingsworth also rode … Read more

MURDER CITY USA: Chicago Once Again Scores Most Homicides of Any City in America… More Than Most States!

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot might not have shouted “We’re Number One!” while pumping her fist as the clock struck midnight last night. However under her leadership, the Windy City easily clinched the top spot for most homicides of any American city. In fact, it wasn’t even close. Hey Jackass had the tentative numbers this morning: … Read more

Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot More Worried About Celebrating Kwanzaa Than The City’s 841 Murders

A single city has seen more homicides this year than 47 entire states had in 2019. Chicago now sits at 841 homicides and counting, the most in 25 years. Nearly 4500 more people have suffered gunshot wounds. Is Mayor Lori Lightfoot working hard to stop the killings, put more cops on the street and keep violent … Read more