The ‘May Issue’ Ignorance of LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva

Despite skyrocketing violent crime rates, Sheriff Alex Villanueva steadfastly refuses to allow his constituents to defend themselves. By Lee Williams Violent crime is skyrocketing in Los Angeles County, Sheriff Alex Villanueva announced yesterday on Instagram. Homicides have increased more than 95% compared to the same timeframe last year. (Villanueva didn’t specify the timeframe.) What he … Read more

Life in a ‘May Issue’ State: Los Angeles Moves to Cancel Remaining Concealed Carry Permits

When you live in a “may issue” jurisdiction you may exercise one of your civil rights if and when government functionaries and bureaucrats deign to allow it. In the case of your right to armed self defense, you have to apply, on bended knee, and demonstrate that you have a need to protect yourself using … Read more