Data Reveals Murders and Violent Crime Decrease as More People Carry Guns

John Lott has published his Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2020 and there’s lots of good news in it. The number of concealed handgun permits has soared to over 19.48 million – a 34% increase over 2016. Seventeen states no longer provide data on all the people who are legally carrying a … Read more

Lott: 7.14% of Americans Have Carry Licenses, Up 273% Since 2007

John Lott has released a new report that has a lot of bad news for the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex. His research shows that 7.14% of Americans now have concealed carry licenses. Incredibly, that number has exploded 273% since 2007. Clearly more and more Americans vote with their wallets when it comes to guns and … Read more