Is the 45 ACP Good for Self Defense? A Comprehensive Look

Choosing the right caliber for self-defense can be daunting, especially with so many options available. One round that consistently stands out is the .45 ACP. Trusted for over a century by military personnel, law enforcement and civilians, the .45 ACP has earned its reputation for delivering powerful stopping power in critical moments. But is it … Read more

Four Revolvers That Went To War

Colt and Smith & Wesson…two iconic American firearm manufacturers. These are the names that come to mind when it comes to classic Americana for pistols and revolvers. Their glory days, some would argue, were the first half of the 20th century, when they dominated the markets both stateside and across the globe. And like many … Read more

My Grandfather’s 1943 Union Switch & Signal M1911A1

Within two months of his eighteenth birthday, my grandpa left the Bronx, New York and was inducted into the Army of the United States. His listed civilian occupation was “boilermaker,” but he was on his way to an MOS of Intelligence Observer 518 in the 209th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater. He … Read more