Gun Review: Czech Small Arms Sa vz. 61 Pistol

The Skorpion vz. 61 was originally designed back in 1959. Czechoslovakia put it into service in 1961. Thanks to its iconic top wire folding stock, which resembles a scorpion’s tail, the gun’s often called the Skorpion. It was originally issued to Czech special forces troops, reconnaissance units and security forces. Due to its compact design, it … Read more

Gun Review: Steyr TMP/SPP Edition

No hearing protection? Bad Chris!

Gun people are some of the most generous hobbyists you’ll ever meet. They’ll put their favorite rifle or pistol in your hands, loaded with a magazine full of their own ammunition, step back and watch the lead fly. I make a point of returning the favor and paying it forward when I can. For my part I’ve introduced beginning shooters to the joys of the AK-74, the Mosin-Nagant, and whatever gun I happen to be testing for TTAG. Yesterday, thanks to this firearms fraternity, I shot my first machine pistol . . .

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